A dish towel. A tea towel. A hand towel. A bar towel. A guest towel. The. Perfect. Towel.
THE BEST HOSTESS GIFT: Voted by an unofficial poll of admirers. Thoughtful gifts are much more fun to give and receive, and with over 285 designs, you can choose the perfect one(s) for your friends, family, colleagues, and of course yourself. The ideal gift to celebrate a hometown, family reunion, favorite vacation spot, a happy place, or where you dream to go. Variety truly is the spice of life.
NOT JUST A PRETTY FACE: Although we admit theyre so darn good looking just hanging around, please know that these towels are not afraid of work! Use and enjoy them.
ORIGINAL ARTWORK: Each design is HAND-DRAWN and created with an insiders perspective, taking even the smallest details to heart. We have worked with residents, mayors, friends, business owners, customers, family, people just like you - to create a design that locals can proudly display in their home, and visitors will take with them as a tangible keepsake. Celebrate your favorite vacation spot, a memorable trip, where you were married, where your loved ones live, where you dream of going, or simply the most precious place - home.
HAND-WOVEN FABRIC & HAND-CRAFTED TOUCHES: Each dish towel is made from 100% hand-loomed cotton. The design is silk-screened using 12 colors (yes, thats 12 screens!) and then framed with a hand-stitched border and finished with hand-dipped rick rack. Wowzers!
JOY IN THE KITCHEN: Celebrate your favorite places at home. Whether yours is a modern, farmhouse, or cottage kitchen, our dish towels pair well with a worldly charcuterie board or the fresh baked goodness of your favorite crusty bread recipe.